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Get The Communication Skills That You Need To Get Ahead In Business & In Life..

-- SPACER --
September 16, 2017
[text_block style="style_1.png" align="left" font_size="16" font_color="%23000000"]From the desk of Paul Mascetta, NY[/text_block]
-- SPACER --
[text_block style="style_1.png" align="left" font_size="20" font_color="%23000000"]Dear Friend,

It's an undeniable fact.

Your communication skills are your most important asset.

Yet most people are poor communicators.


It’s because we’ve been robbed of the education of communication.

This isn't something you learn in high school or college.

You learn everything else BUT this stuff.

Imagine this.

You’re stranded on a remote island.

Doesn’t matter how you got there.

You’re there.

You’re scared.

You’re uncertain.

Suddenly a man comes out from the forest.

He introduces himself and tells you he’s been on the island for 15 years.

The bad news?

He still hasn’t figured out how to get off the island.

The good news?

He knows how to survive.

Guy actually lives like a king (in “being stranded on a remote island” terms that is)

He invites you to have a bite to eat.

He lights a fire.

He pulls out a giant fish on a stick.

He roasts it over the fire for 10 minutes.

He lays it out on a big banana leaf and finishes it with some fresh squeezed lime juice.

He even garnishes it with some kind of fresh herb.

You take a bite.

It’s pure bliss.

It’s like a flavor bomb exploded in your mouth.

Better than any fish you’ve had in any seafood restaurant.

Simply amazing.

You can’t believe how good this fish tastes.

He tells you he can teach you exactly how to make fish just like this.

He’ll show you how to scale it.

He’ll show you how to get it on the stick without ripping it apart.

He’ll tell you exactly how long you need to cook it for it to come out absolutely perfect.

He’ll even show you where to find the limes and the herbs.

“Sounds great! So when do we go out fishing?” You ask.

“Well I don’t teach people the fishing part. That’s something you need to figure out on your own”. He says.

You stand there puzzled.

Why would this guy show me everything except the most important part?

Without the fish then everything he shows me is worthless.

Guess what.

That’s exactly how the “game of life” is currently set up.[/text_block]

  • You get an education so you can get a job.
  • But you don't learn how to persuade the boss to hire you.
  • You learn a skill that you can be paid for.
  • But you don’t learn how to communicate that you have that skill.
  • You learn to be a good partner who cares for others.
  • But you don't learn the skills needed to persuade someone to go out on a date with you.
  • You learn to become an entrepreneur so you can make a living on your own terms.
  • But you don't learn how to influence the people in your market to become customers.
[text_block style="style_1.png" align="left" font_size="20" font_style="bold" font_color="%23000000"]Think about that for a second. [/text_block]

The Education You Needed The Most Was The One You Never Received

-- SPACER --
[text_block style="style_1.png" align="left" font_size="20" font_color="%23000000"]Instead you’re left to figure that part out on our own.

Just as if you were back on that deserted island.

And here's what's even more alarming…

Because of this mishap most of what you probably think works in terms of communicating effectively doesn't.

Maybe that’s the reason why statistically speaking…..

That's right.

Chances are you've been doing it all wrong.

Don’t worry I was too.

The good news is that something happened along the way for me.

A discovery of sorts that led me to strategies that work in the real world.[/text_block]

  • Strategies that I’ve used to sell millions of dollars worth of products for my private clients.
  • Strategies that I’ve used to achieve financial freedom.
  • Strategies that I've used to persuade people even high stakes situations.
  • Strategies that I can’t wait to share with you.

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