It is very important for you to be able to effectively deliver your message in a variety of ways so that it can become engraved within the minds of your audience. However, at the same time, it is imperative that you find a way to accomplish this without rambling on and talking excessively about your subject.
Rambling on in conversation will have a similar effect as beating a dead horse, it gets you absolutely nowhere. The only thing that excessive rambling will be able to accomplish within your delivery process is taking away from your power instead of adding anything to it.
When you are preparing the overall structure and organization of your information, take the time to truly figure out how the information (regardless of who or what it is about) sets your expertise apart from all of your competitors.
This will allow you to stand out in the minds of your listeners even more so because they will mentally be able to clearly distinguish between you and everyone else that claims to be experts in the same field. If they cannot make this distinction, then there is no way that they would ever be able to follow you.
Effective Repetition Adds Power
Repetition will continuously make your message that much more powerful. Keep in mind that this is primarily focused on repetition of the overall message, but not repetition of the same words. You don’t want to be repeating the same word or phrase that you have already used over and over again, because this will become annoying to your audience and take away some of the power that your information already has instead of adding any more to it.
You should be looking for ways to make the same message sound different each and every time; changing the wording and structure of the message while keeping the core purpose and meaning behind the message the same the entire time.
Repetition will also play in your favor in you use it wisely because you want people to be able to remember the material that you are sharing with them. By effectively repeating it back to them, they will be better able to effectively repeat the same information back to others that they share it with.
In turn, their confidence in you is increased if they are easily able to repeat your message to themselves or use the same information to teach other people. If they can’t quickly recall this information at any given moment, buyer’s remorse will quickly settle in and they will quickyl disconnect and disassociate themselves from you and your information.
Effective “word-of-mouth messaging” will also play in your favor because your reputation will spread faster and further than you would ever be able to reach by yourself.
When To Focus On Features & Benefits
You should always have an interest in finding out how extensive your audience’s knowledge about the benefits of your information is before you even begin speaking to them.
If they already have an abundance of knowledge, as mentioned earlier, you are simply wasting your time, energy and resources by stressing the importance of the benefits to them. Focus more on learning how they were able to gain their knowledge in the first place and then emphasize the features of what you are offering to them.
Discussing the features will allow them to make conenctions to the benefits that they are already knowledgeable of and cause you to effectively be able to get through to them.
On the other hand, when your audience has no idea about what you are talking about, you are going to have to start from the beginning and truly take the time necessary to educate them on the benefits of what you are bringing to the table.
As mentioned earlier, however, you only want to do this in moderation. Too much information at once fed to someone that had no knowledge to begin with is ineffective and does not allow them to process and fully understand anything that you are saying to them in the first place. Therefore, once again, you would just be wasting your time, energy and resources.
You’re Only An Expert If Other Think So
Another important part to be successful at becoming an expert of influence and persuasion deals directly with whether or not people view you as an authoritative figure and expert of the information being delivered.
Your audience has to be able to trust that your expertise, education, experience and knowledge are enough to qualify you as being the person that they should go to for expert information and guidance.
You have to be able to engrave a vision into their minds that clearly shows them what your products or services can do for them in their own lives. If they can achieve this and visualize the results for themselves, the odds of them desiring to learn more and remember your message more will be in your favor.
On the other hand, if you are working on someone that already feels that they are an expert and knows all that there is to know about the information that you are presenting, you will be wasting your time by trying to create any sort of vision for them. They more than likely already have their own vision that was first implanted in their minds when they first started to learn about the information. Trying to put a new vision where an existing and still effective vision already dwells is absolutely pointless.