How To Get Moving Toward Your Goals

Many people believe knowledge is power but in reality, knowledge by itself is useless. It only becomes powerful when it’s combined with inspired action.

The action part is usually the toughest part for most people. They have an idea, buy a product, do the research, study the material but never actually take action.

This is what we call procrastination. I know it’s an ugly word and no one likes to admit they procrastinate but EVERYONE does. It’s when you decide that you will no longer do it that the positive changes start happening.

The first step in making that decision become a reality is to figure out what your goals are based on what’s important to you and then committing them to writing.

The easiest way to do this is to think of where you want to be in one year from now.

Think about what you want your life to look like spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially and mentally in one year from now.

Be specific when answering all of these questions.

What kind of income do you want?

What kind of relationships do you want?

What level of health will you be at?

What will you be doing to earn the income you desire?

Now once you can answer those questions, write them down immediately! (Yes, you REALLY have to do this part).

One Harvard study revealed that 3 % of students earn incomes ten times those that make up the other 97%.

What’s the difference between the groups? The 3% who make more had clear, written goals.

So take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down these goals right now.

Now that you’ve got those goals written down, think carefully about why these goals are important to you and write that down next to each of them.

Here are the three questions you should answer about each?

What will I feel like once I achieve this goal?

How will my life better when I achieve this goal?

What do I have to lose if I do not achieve this goal?

Once you understand what this goal means to you and why it’s important, ask yourself why you haven’t achieved this goal in the past?

Perhaps you never thought about it or you did think about it but didn’t think you had the resources needed to achieve it?

Whatever your reason for not achieving the goal was, write it down.

Now ask yourself, what’s different this time? What will you do differently to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

Take a look at the answers to your questions.

The purpose of this exercise was to consciously determine why these goals are important to you, what has stopped you in the past from achieving them and what you will do differently this time around.

Now that last part can get a little tricky because you might not necessarily know what’s going to be different this time around. You may know that this time you want to get things done but you probably don’t have specific plan on how you’re actually going to do it just yet.

That’s what the next step is all about. It’s time to figure out what you need to do to get where you want to be.

The easiest way to do this is to work backwards. In his bestselling book, the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen R. Covey talks about habit #2, “Begin With The End In Mind”.

Well, now that we know what the goal at the end of the year looks like and why it’s important, let’s break it down.

What needs to happen each month for your goal to come to fruition at the end of the year? Then think about what needs to happen each week and then each day.

Once you have an idea of what needs to happen each day, begin scheduling the time needed to get these things done.

If you’re not 100 percent sure of what needs to be done, it’s ok. Just write down what you think you would need to do. Use your imagination. It’s one of the greatest gifts you have.

Aside from that, think about who you need to get help from in order to achieve your goal.

This is where your ability to influence will begin to serve you.

If you don’t know exactly what you should be doing each day to get closer to your goals, think about a person that DOES have the answer and begin putting a plan together to get in contact with them.

When you do finally reach out to them, you must be ready to do it tactfully. Don’t just ask how they can help you. Instead, ask how you can help them or (even better) determine that first and outline a plan that shows them how you can help them.

People often forget that the reciprocity trigger only works when you do something for someone else FIRST.

Now once you’ve started thinking about what you need to do and who can help you, you will see that your planning process will become more effective.

This exercise serves 2 purposes: First, it begins the process of you using your mind to discover what opportunities and resources are available to you and secondly, it enables you to create structure in your plan.

Procrastination often comes from overwhelm. Overwhelm is the result of chaos. Structure prevents chaos.

Therefore, your ability to create structure will have a direct effect on your ability to stop procrastinating.

Perhaps without even realizing it, you have already begun to end your procrastination habits.

You have already begun taking action. The mere act of writing down your goals, why they are important to you and what you think you need to do to achieve them each year, month, week and day means that you are no longer thinking about taking action; you’re actually doing something that will move you closer.

They key now is to remain consistent and begin developing habits that support your success.

The dictionary defines a habit as an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. It’s not hard to see how much of an impact something like this can have on one’s life.

Now that type of impact is up to you. Positive habits will bring your life to levels you never thought possible while negative ones can destroy you.

The Scarcity Trigger

The scarcity trigger tells us that the less available something becomes, the more people want it.

Scarcity is the method used to create urgency so that someone will take action.  Ultimately, we can make the greatest presentation in the world as to why someone should comply with our request and they can logically and emotionally agree with everything that we have presented.  Still however, they need a reason to act now and the scarcity trigger is the most effective trigger that you can use to get someone to take action immediately.

It is human nature to always find something more appealing and interesting when the odds of getting your hands on it are less likely.  We see this in the dating world all the time. The challenge of courting someone who is not always available seems to be something that people find themselves to be obsessed with.

In most cases when a person shows all of their cards and becomes readily available, the spell becomes broken and there is no longer an element of surprise.  Whenever our choices become inhibited, limited or lessened we become more likely to desire those choices on a stronger level.

Scarcity can make any product seem more valuable and interesting.  It makes people take action immediately because they do not want to take a loss. Loss in general, is a feeling that most people try to avoid.

From as far back as childhood, the minute we are told we cannot have something, we simply want it more.  The reason for this is because the minute we feel there is a potential to lose something, we begin the thought process of how we can stop that from happening. This is called preventative action.  And the key word is action. Whatever our reasons may be for doing it, we begin to take action and that is ultimately what you want the other party to do when trying to influence them

In all my years of being in the Internet marketing business and writing sales copy, the scarcity trigger is one of the most important tools that I have used to get the customer to take action. And in today's world, the more successful Internet marketers have become successful because of their ability to apply the scarcity trigger in new and creative ways.

Things like limited supply, first hundred callers and countdown clocks on webpages are driving more and more people to click the order button. Now more than ever, there are numerous ways for you to use the scarcity trigger.  Here are some of my favorites:

Restrict Freedom - As I said before, we always want what we can't have and the minute we are told something will go longer be available, we seem to want it even more. That’s the moment when the desire and urgency to act immediately goes up.  The best way to implement this is to simply create a situation where whatever you have to offer is now going to be limited or will soon not be available any more.  In sales we call this the take away close.  If you remove your prospect’s ability to have what you have to offer, you will increase their desire to have it.

Limitations - The second method which you can use is limitations in the form of space, numbers, access or time.  The minute people feel like they are competing to get something, their desire to have it will increase. Always give people deadlines.  It is human nature for us to structure our actions around deadlines. Without them, people have no definitive time to know when they must take action and therefore can spend endless amounts of time procrastinating.

Loss Potential – Last but certainly not least is the potential to lose something.  People need to realize that if they do not act upon whatever it is that you have to offer, they may lose something. People are generally motivated by either pain or pleasure and truth be told, pain is actually the greater motivator of the two. Since loss equals pain, it is very important to focus on what someone risks losing if the do not act. Here’s an example.  If I told you that if you went to the gym every day for a month straight, I would give you $10,000, your decision to go would be based on how bad you need that $10,000 and you probably would do it.  But if I told you that if you did not do the gym for 30 days straight that I would automatically remove $10,000 from your bank account, you would probably be even more motivated to take action.

The reason for this is because in the first scenario, if you don't win the $10,000 - while that might not be fun - you have not lost anything so you are right where you started. In the second scenario, you are now in the negative and have lost something.

The First Critical Component In Influence

Most of the time people make decisions based on their memories of past experiences. Therefore, it would make sense to begin the influence process based on that data.

What’s interesting though is most people don’t remember events the way they actually happened; they formulate their own memory and accept is as fact.

For example, do you know why companies spend so much money on brand awareness? It’s because they know that once a person subconsciously accepts their brand, nothing else really matters.

You see, once a person develops an acceptance of a certain brand, they will invest (on average) less than 5 seconds of thought into purchasing it. This means the decision to buy is done completely on a subconscious level; there is no conscious thought whatsoever.

Now even though this decision happened in less than 5 seconds, most people don’t remember it that way. In fact, when asked they will truly convince themselves that the decision was the result of conscious thought and weighing of options.

In other words, people often remember behaviors and actions that never actually took place in real life.

They make a subconscious decision to buy something before they even leave their house, enter the store and make the purchase.  But when asked about why they did so, most people will recall thinking long and hard about their decision and weighing their options to see which the best course of action is.

So how does this subconscious wiring to accept certain brands come about in the first place? It’s called trust.

Trust is an extremely powerful thing which also breeds loyalty. When you trust someone or something, you have become mentally and emotionally vested in them and it places a huge amount of stress on the mind to begin thinking they are not trustworthy. Therefore, once someone or something earns our trust, it’s actually easier to just keep trusting them then to think otherwise.

This is often why people who discover that their partners are cheating will deny it initially. They don’t want to think about having to retract all of that vested energy.

Trust is the first critical component in true influence. You see, influence mastery is when you have such an influential impact on people that they will comply with you often just because of who you are.

Oprah Winfrey is the classic example of this.  Oprah is an extremely influential person which is why each year, tens of thousands of companies send samples of their product to her show with the hope that she will mention it. They realize how powerful even a 30 second endorsement from her can be.

And the best part is, it doesn’t even matter what the product is. Oprah doesn’t even have to be a recognized expert in that market niche. That’s how influential she is. The fact that she is merely related to the product makes the product seem valuable.

This is because of the trust that Oprah has earned from her viewers over the past 25 years.

Because trust in the first critical component in the influence process, it’s vital that you begin “branding” yourself in a way that represents you as trustworthy to others.

There are 2 simple ways to do this. The first is through referrals. If you can get people who - already trust you - to recommend you to those who don’t know you yet, your chances and time frame for building trust will drastically increase for 2 reasons: The first is because connections with others make up 80 percent of the opportunities that you will have access to in life and secondly, because social validation is very powerful. What’s even more powerful is social validation from personal sources.

The second way that you can brand yourself is by creating more awareness about who you are and what you do. You can do this to the extent of trying to publish your own book or by simply getting your own website set up and frequently blogging about your area of knowledge.

That’s exactly what I am doing on this very site. I’m sharing free information with people that they find valuable and in turn, building trust.

Once trust has been established, people listen to and value your message.